Best Organic Arthritis Relief Balm, Natural Muscle Pain Relief Cream

Arthritis is an inflammation that affects the joint and tissues surrounding it as well as other connective tissues. The most common type of arthritis is osteoporosis while other forms include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia. The symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness, aching, and swelling in one or more joints which can develop gradually or instantly.

dermamed mobility balm muscle pain relief

The DermaMed Mobility Balm is an excellent pain reliever that can ease the discomfort caused by painful and inflamed tissues. Because it contains natural ingredients such as essential oils and pure botanical extracts, the DermaMed Mobility Balm is very safe to use. The DermaMed Mobility Balm is also effective in addressing your joint problems so that you can perform your regular activities without any issues.

Arthritis is most common among older adults aged 65 years and above. However, it can also affect anyone regardless of age. In the U.S., the Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that around 54.4 million adults contract some form of arthritis.

There are specific kinds of rheumatic arthritis that can affect the body’s internal organs and immune system. Meanwhile, other types of arthritis including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis that can produce various symptoms and affect multiple organs.

Causes of Arthritis

Technically, medical experts cannot point to a single cause of arthritis. There are various causes that differ based on the type of arthritis. It can be a direct result of an injury which can eventually lead to degenerative arthritis. Meanwhile, others like osteoarthritis can point to genetics as the root.

Some immune system dysfunctions specifically SLE and RA can also lead to this condition as well as certain infections and abnormal metabolism which can lead to gout. The most common types of arthritis can be a result of the combination of several factors.

However, there are also some individuals who are more likely to develop it than others. Diet also plays a significant role in managing arthritis as there are certain foods that are known to cause this joint condition. These include animal-based foods which can lead to an immune system response.

Gout is also linked to diet and nutrition and is caused by high levels of uric acid. Foods that are high in purine can also trigger gout.

muscle pain relief balm

Treatment and Medication

Treating arthritis allows you to control the pain and prevent further damage to the joints. There are many ways to treat arthritis which can include medications, therapies, weight loss, and surgery.

When it comes to medication, the commonly used drugs include analgesics, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, creams, balms, ointments, biologics, and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARDs.

  • Analgesics – Analgesics can minimize the pain but it doesn’t do anything with regards to the inflammation. The most commonly used analgesics include acetaminophen, hydrocodone, tramadol, and oxycodone.
  • Corticosteroids – This type of medication helps reduce the inflammation while suppressing the immune system.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs work by minimizing both symptoms of pain and inflammation. It can easily be purchased over-the-counter or online. NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. NSAIDs are also available as balms such as the DermaMed Mobility Balm, creams, gels, ointments, and patches. These can be applied directly to the joints. Applying it over the affected areas can help control the pain and minimize it.
  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs – DMARDs are used to prevent the immune system from attacking the joints. It includes methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine.
  • Biologics – This is often used with DMARDs and is designed to target protein molecules as part of the body’s immune response. Biologics include etanercept and infliximab.

Organic Relief Balm

Most people who suffer from pain address the problem by popping an oral medicine to help relieve the pain. There are a lot of over-the-counter (OTC) meds and prescription painkillers available in the market. Pills are used to manage pain and although they may be effective, they also produce side-effects especially for people who take pills often. Therefore, an organic relief balm such as the DermaMed Mobility Balm is an excellent alternative to oral medications.

The Side-effects of Taking Pills

A topical relief balm is an effective way to treat your joint and muscle pain wither fewer side effects. People who are taking oral pain relievers over a long period may experience various kinds of side effects such as nausea, ulcer, upset stomach, rashes, heat burn, fatigue, and depression.

Some lead to complication such as organ damage specifically the liver and kidney. These may be too hard on your kidneys which can cause problems. At the same time, it can also be toxic to the liver. Taking oral meds for long periods can alter your mood and make you feel depressed.

The Benefits of Topical Reliefs

  • It provides instant relief from pain. When you’re using topical balms or cream, you apply it directly to the affected area to relieve the discomfort. Oral meds, on the other hand, need time to be processed by your system as it passes through your bloodstream and organs.

The ingredients in the topical balm can easily reach the affected area, unlike oral medicines which take more time. Therefore, it works faster in easing the pain. People who are in pain often prefer quick relief methods because they can’t deal with the agony much longer.

  • It has fewer side-effects. As mentioned above, oral pills tend to produce various kinds of side effects. Hence, making an organic relief balm safer to use as it produces fewer or no side effects.

At the same time, you can reapply it as often as needed, unlike oral medicines where you have to wait hours before you pop another dose. Plus, an organic relief balm doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that can be toxic to your body.

A lot of people deal with chronic pain and it’s not something that we can always control. However, with the use of an organic relief balm, it makes the pain easier for us to manage. When choosing the right balm for you, make sure you use an organic relief such as the DermaMed Mobility Balm to effectively ease the discomfort from joint and muscle pain.

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